Pimp My PowerShell
Install Scoop
A command-line installer for Windows
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh')
Install a nicer prompt
Install pshazz via concfg
Give your powershell some pizazz.
scoop install pshazz
Install concfg
concfg is a utility to import and export Windows console settings like fonts and colors.
scoop install concfg
This is not just for PowerShell but also for cmd.
Install theme
Install a preset theme Solarized via concfg
concfg import solarized
Visual Studio IDE
In Visual Studio you can install the Open Command Line extension. This will open a command line of your choice with the CTRL+space
shortcut. Configure it to open PowerShell (instead of default cmd). Don't forget to restart VS.